Episode 57: The Tension Between Love, Manhood, Fatherhood, and Ambition

In today’s first of two podcast mentoring conversations with Dean Hyers, co-founder of SagePresence (with Pete Machalek), we discuss the tension between love, manhood, fatherhood, and ambition. What if living an amazing “Plan B” life begs deeper process questions: what will it take to let go of the original “Plan A” life dream?

What if the tension between love, manhood, fatherhood, and ambition leads to a new definition of who Dean is as a spouse, father, business owner, entrepreneurial leader, and human being? Is that okay? Is he losing a part of himself? 

Dean’s investigative process of getting clear on how he feels with his “Plan B” life is far from linear. Big questions are always nonlinear because getting to an answer involves reflection, emotional upheaval, and integrating what is learned through the process. Every part of the messy process is important which leads us to discuss feminism, male equality, raising boys differently.

Dean wants to start a movement to expand how men are raised. What would that be? Who taught him to be a better man? How did he save his son’s life? Could he have been available for his two sons in a “Plan A” life? Listen in to hear of Dean’s upbringing, fatherhood interventions from a heartfelt place, manhood from an emotionally sensitive perspective, love, and a provocative conversation with a mugger.

This podcast begins with encouraging stories of two 43-year-old women. Both mothers of three children. One an orthopedic surgeon, the other an exercise teacher. I read about them in the Wall Street Journal. The first story fits with a New Year resolution to lose weight. Sheryl Handler-Matasar would post, to a private group Facebook page, her sweaty workout pictures in order to hold herself accountable. Using social media to help achieve your goals is a new trend.

Denise Mueller, after a 20-year hiatus, resurrected her bicycle racing youth in a record breaking way. An example of how planted seeds in our youth can manifest into an amazing “Plan B” life. Both articles can be viewed online in the resources section. Download

Watch Dean’s TEDx Talk, https://www.DeanHyersTEDx.com  Pete’s TEDx TALK

Mentoring Tips

  • Evaluate how you are using social media. Orthopedic Surgeon, Sheryl Handler-Matasar posted her sweaty weight-loss pictures on a private Facebook post to help her lose weight.
    • Why are you using social media?
    • How is social media benefitting your business?
    • Create a strategy for using social media, like meeting so many people in your network each month to increase your facetime with people. Notice where these conversations take you.
  • Where are you able to focus? Denise Mueller finds her ability to focus on nothing but what is in front of her when riding her bike at 140 mph, with a 125-feet per pedal stroke. Read the article and view the video in the Resources section.
  • Are you in the mist of sorting out your “Plan B” life? Is your business different than how you envisioned it?
  • Recently, I saw the movie La La Land. The movie was amazing. The music. The dancing. The storyline. We were speechless at the end. Only a few days later could we talk about the movie content. We were not expecting the movie to be so thought provoking.
    • Choices about going after your dream and being practical in creating a life. Mia (Emma Stone) is an actress desiring to be a movie star. Sebastian (Ryan Gosling) is a jazz pianist who wants to open his own jazz bar.  A story about love and ambition and how their choices determined whether they built a life together or apart. I highly recommend seeing it especially if you are sorting out “Plan A” and “Plan B” life.
  • Join a one-year WeMentor Entrepreneurial Leadership and Mentoring LAB. Two LABS are forming; two different types of business owners. Start dates: February 23rd and February 27th
    • One LAB is for established business owners with employees.
      • Contact us if: You have been in business awhile. The business is different than what you thought it would be. You know you need to shift something but you are unsure of what and how. To really grow and prosper you need an integrated program to go inward and shift something in your mind, heart, and business to lead differently. You are willing to reach clarity and gain practice in leading more effectively and efficiently.
    • The other WeMentor E.L.M. LAB is for solopreneurs who have been in business at least one year.
      • Contact us if: You know you are on to something because you are generating income and can support the entity you have created. You may or may not be paying yourself. You know you need a deeper understanding of your mind, heart, and innovative leadership insights (define what you are doing). You are willing to reach a deeper understanding of business ownership, learn design thinking methods, and practice leading with a new grounded perspective. You can implement a new way of leading.

In both LABS, the curriculum I have designed integrates the learning from your head (cognitive) to your heart (feelings and emotion) through your hands (physical activity and other techniques like drawing, writing, discussions). It becomes part of who you are. Therefore, our programs are 90% practice and 10% theory.

We will be doing yoga, mindfulness meditation, and implementing design thinking and success strategies, and follow a leadership process to help you lead more efficiently and effectively. We are here to help you succeed in leadership and flourish in life!

The Tension Between Love, Manhood, Fatherhood, and Ambition, Episode 57   www.sagepresence.com


  1. Sheryl Handler-Matasar, 43-year-old mother of three, and an Orthopedic Surgeon. An Orthopedic Surgeon Stays Disciplined With Sweaty Selfies http://www.wsj.com/articles/an-orthopedic-surgeon-stays-disciplined-via-sweaty-selfies-1483790403
  2. Denise Mueller, 43-year-old mother of three, and exercise teacher. The World’s Fastest Woman On Two Wheels The Worlds Fastest Woman


Podcast Guest Mentor

Dean Hyers and Pete Machalek. Dean and Pete are consultants and skill builders who specialize in helping business professionals move forward, build business, and work more effectively and productively with each other. In 2001, Dean and Pete co-founded SagePresence around their backgrounds in film from which they cultivated a unique expertise in storytelling and facilitating performances that truly speak to their audiences.

Throughout its history, SagePresence, has helped thousands of clients generate confident and influential ‘stage presence’ to tell powerful stories everywhere from the networking floor to the presenter’s stage. Ultimately, this has led to professional advancement and client organizations winning over $4Billion in new business. www.sagepresence.com

Episode 57: The Tension Between Love, Manhood, Fatherhood, and Ambition

Nancy A. Meyer, M.A.
Author: Nancy A. Meyer, M.A.

Nancy A. Meyer, M.A., is a seasoned entrepreneurial leader, business and life mentor, podcaster, author, and certified mindfulness yoga and meditation integrator (she integrates those skill sets into everything). Nancy’s compassionate and collaborative approach reinforces resilience while maintaining accountable conversations supporting how you redefine your lead while redesigning your business. Nancy calls this “Dual Innovation Leadership.”   Nancy founded WeMentor, inc. in 1992 to change the leadership in our country by providing emerging and existing business owners with mentoring in Dual Innovation Leadership. She has mentored thousands and is eager to work with you! Assert self-leadership and get started today! Clients say, “Nancy is a compelling, engaging, and ‘decipher the trees from the forest’ kind of mentor, speaker, and leader. A dedicated entrepreneurial leader and mentor who role models what she preaches. Her style and candor enrich the content she delivers and the results clients experience.” Nancy accepts people where they are while inspiring them to breakthrough into new dimensions:  As an Entrepreneurial Leader (Innovator),  As a Competent Business Owner (Practitioner)  As a Mentor (Role Model)  As a Spiritual Being and Self-Leadership Master! Start by subscribing to WeMentor Mondays with Nancy PODCAST. Join your peers and...

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