Episode 35: A Defining Conversation About Forgiveness

Mary_Nancy_Jen_Episode 35Nancy has asked Mary Hayes Grieco to team up with her to facilitate in the healing of Jennifer’s heartbreak. The heartbreak took the form of a two-to-four-year creative block.

The first of two mentoring sessions as a team. Jennifer is ready to stop the leaking and dribbling in conversations. She knows she needs to forgive her mother, and determine how to be in relationship with her in the future. Mary is here to help Jennifer reach her goal and change her life.

Both Jennifer and Mary check in and let us know how they are feeling. We see each other. We are now ready to hear each other. Below are the Eight Steps to Freedom, use them to follow along in this session, and refer back to the list for episode 37. Preparing to forgive takes more than one conversation.

Eight Steps to Freedom

Prepare for a Change in your life.

Step 1:             State your will to make a change.

Step 2:            Express your feelings exactly as they are inside you.

Step 3:            Release expectations from your mind, one by one.

Step 4:            Restore your boundaries.

Step 5:            Open up to the Universe to get your needs met in a different way.

Step 6:            Receive Spirit’s healing energy into your personality.

Step 7:            Send unconditional love to the other peson and release her or him.

Step 8:            See the good in the person or situation.

Integrate your Change and start living in a new way.

Mary Hayes Grieco is the author of The New Kitchen Mystic and Unconditional Forgiveness: A Simple and Proven Method to Forgive Everyone and Everything. She is the founder and director of The Midwest Institute for Forgiveness Training. More information and Mary’s podcast program is available at www.maryhayesgrieco.com and www.forgivenesstraining.com.

Jennifer Nelson is a graphic artist and founder of Grapheeze Artist, and she is a Fine Artist. Find her and some of her work at www.jennifernelsonartist.com  and   www.graphezeartist.com

Mentoring Tips:

  1. Notice how you are showing up in conversations with others. Are you leaking and dribbling some of your hurt in conversations with your inner circle of friends, or close family members? Sometimes this is a way to offload or release some of your pain.
  1. Identify the degree of pain you are in – all-consuming to minor irritant. Your friends are not trained to handle grief. They can show empathy. They can see you and be with you. They can offer advice. Ultimately, you are in charge of what you do with your hurt. Yes, it is an inside job! Grief and heartbreak do not heal themselves over time. Spiritual healing is a learned process where you revolutionize yourself and therefore, change your life.
  1. Get support. Take action by going through the Eight Steps to Freedom. Read Mary’s two books. Reach out to Mary for further assistance.
  1. If you are not leaking and dribbling hurt out to your inner circle, awesome! You may be emotionally clear and current with loved ones in your life. You may have small issues with others to forgive. Complete this exercise with the focus on a smaller issue like a grumpy neighbor, or with someone at work where your expectations need adjusting.
  1. On the backdrop of all these horrific attacks on innocent people, we need a process to help us reckon with the troubled souls in our world and grieve the loss of so many people. We need to keep coming back to ways to love each other and forgive one another. Learn the Eight Steps to Freedom. The timing could not be better to learn how to forgive agregious acts of terror and violence, and embrace those loved ones taken from us.

A Defining Conversation About Forgiveness, Episode 35

Download this episode.(right click to download)

Next Monday’s Mentoring Conversation: A second mentoring session with effervescent Nicole Fenstad, actress and founder of Princess Party Pals. Hear the details in how she started-up. Get some ideas of how you can bloom where you are planted!

Episode 35: A Defining Conversation About Forgiveness

Nancy A. Meyer, M.A.
Author: Nancy A. Meyer, M.A.

Nancy A. Meyer, M.A., is a seasoned entrepreneurial leader, business and life mentor, podcaster, author, and certified mindfulness yoga and meditation integrator (she integrates those skill sets into everything). Nancy’s compassionate and collaborative approach reinforces resilience while maintaining accountable conversations supporting how you redefine your lead while redesigning your business. Nancy calls this “Dual Innovation Leadership.”   Nancy founded WeMentor, inc. in 1992 to change the leadership in our country by providing emerging and existing business owners with mentoring in Dual Innovation Leadership. She has mentored thousands and is eager to work with you! Assert self-leadership and get started today! Clients say, “Nancy is a compelling, engaging, and ‘decipher the trees from the forest’ kind of mentor, speaker, and leader. A dedicated entrepreneurial leader and mentor who role models what she preaches. Her style and candor enrich the content she delivers and the results clients experience.” Nancy accepts people where they are while inspiring them to breakthrough into new dimensions:  As an Entrepreneurial Leader (Innovator),  As a Competent Business Owner (Practitioner)  As a Mentor (Role Model)  As a Spiritual Being and Self-Leadership Master! Start by subscribing to WeMentor Mondays with Nancy PODCAST. Join your peers and...

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