It started innocently early enough in her tweens—a self-grooming technique of plucking eyebrows. Over time the habit intensified, altering her looks (no eyebrows) and became a secretive compulsive coping strategy and a mental health condition. Aneela Idnani outed her 20+ year habit to the world in a real, raw, and riveting 2019 TEDTALK.
Self-Harming has many secretive, creative, and seductive companions that slowly over time suffocate our birthright to love, connect, and accept oneself (self-love). One in 20 people or 21M Americans are obsessed with three repetitive and injurious habits connected with self-grooming routines: hair pulling, skin picking, and nail-biting. Body-focused repetitive behaviors, known as BFRB, are used as a compulsive coping strategy to relieve stress, anxiety, and boredom. DOWNLOAD
To break up with self-harming habits, few people go to the extent today’s Mentor Guests Aneela Idnani (Kumar) and Sameer Kumar have; unless you are entrepreneurs and disrupt the behaviors by inventing a smart bracelet solution. They have won prominent awards and research grants for their 2017 KEEN, smart bracelet:
- TIME Magazine’s 2018 Best Invention,
- 2018 MN Cup and MEDA Small Biz Startup Competition,
- 2018 Tekne Best Startup,
- 2019 MEDA $1 Challenge, and a
- 2020 Phase 1 research grant from both the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) for their ground-breaking work in mental health technology.
Two other co-founders have been instrumental in leading HabitAware to their gesture detection technology early successes. Johan Pritchard is the lead hardware engineer, and Kirk Klobe is the chief technology officer (CTO). They round out this four-person founding team.
Designed with love, KEEN tracks hand motions to help those suffering from BFRB and curb their compulsive hand habits. Their second smart bracelet KEEN2 was launched this month, providing a holistic approach to healthier soothing strategies so you can go from autopilot to aware to control by exercising the freedom to choose behaviors that increase self-esteem.
The scientific names for the three nonfunctional habits that cause significant distress or impairment are trichotillomania (compulsive hair-pulling), dermatillomania (excessive skin picking), and onychophagia (chronic nail-biting).
The regular self-grooming routine temporarily relieved the stress Aneela felt as her Dad lost the battle to overcome leukemia. Her Dad’s passing cemented Aneela’s unconscious soothing companion into a 20+-year coping strategy. To alleviate stress, anxiety, or boredom Aneela would compulsively pluck.
Sameer had a lovingly thoughtful way to help Aneela become aware of her hands and her feelings. We could all adopt more loving ways to intervene with loved ones. Hear how Sameer created the safe emotional space for Aneela to emerge from the shame and embarrassment of a habit people think is easy to stop doing. “Ew, why don’t you just stop plucking?” others have said. Awareness is KEEN.
Hear Aneela and Sameer’s personal entrepreneurial journey in becoming HabitAware. We go from how they each grew-up, meeting one another to launching HabitAware and discussing their latest KEEN2 smart bracelet invention. When you have meaningful conversations, you can cover a lot of territory with fulfilling depth and satisfying insight. We round out our conversation with three lessons they have learned about themselves and each other so far. I left the conversation feeling nourished like you usually do with a meaningful conversation. Enjoy.
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Episode Resources
Conscious Attentive Leadership Mentoring
After listening, do the following three C.A.L.M. Activities:
- Take this risk this week: Pioneering Psychologist Nathaniel Branden has insightful sentence stem exercises to heighten awareness (The Art of Living Consciously, 1997). Do this exercise each morning this week. Finish each sentence stem as quickly as possible without taking time to reflect. Write something. Release judgment, no repeats.
- One of the things I wish people understood about me is… Then…
- One of the things I wish I understood about people is… Then…
- If I allowed myself to really see people… Then…
- If I allowed people to really see me… Then…
I am becoming aware that…
2. Apply Self-Compassion: Acknowledge by naming the exact feelings that arise after completing the sentence stem exercise each day. Then, please give yourself a high-five for completing it. Say to yourself, “I just raised my self-esteem today. YEAH!” A gentle pat on the back will generate a smile.
3. Welcome Appreciation: “I appreciate the awareness Aneela and Sameer bring to themselves, each other, and the world. I appreciate the depth of courage, presence, and vulnerability they expressed and brought into today’s conversation. I appreciated my ability and their ability to stay focused, even with several technology interruptions we were able to edit out. I appreciate learning more about Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors (BFRB): hair pulling and plucking, skin picking, and nail-biting. I appreciate Aneela and Sameer using Aneela’s habit to find a solution for a repetitive behavior 1 in 20 Americans experience. I appreciate Aneela, Sameer, Johan Pritchard, and Kirk Klobe, who have brought smart technology solutions KEEN and KEEN2 into the world through HabitAware.” Your Turn. Start with I appreciate…
“Emotional sickness is avoiding reality at any cost. Emotional health is facing reality at any cost.” – M. SCOTT PECK.
Equip yourself with facts, feelings, and a mentor as you reinvent (or evolve) yourself as you redesign your business. When WeMentor… your life gets better!!! Mentoring WORKS.
Podcast Guest Mentors

Sameer Kumar is CEO and co-founder of HabitAware, a maker of technology solutions for mental health conditions. His professional interests are in creating evidence-based solutions that are novel, accessible, and affordable. HabitAware has been recognized as a Time Magazine Best Invention and holds SBIR research grants from the National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation. As an Applied Physics & Economics major at Yale and Wharton MBA, Sameer is data-driven, analytical, and visionary. His investment analysis, management consulting, and corporate strategy work lent themselves to leading the HabitAware business. Sameer was named a “35 and under Young Professional” by Minnesota Business Magazine. His favorite activities are cooking, skiing, and playing legos with his two young sons. Sameer is driven by the positive change he has seen in his wife, Aneela. About Keen by HabitAware
Aneela Idnani (Kumar) is Co-Founder & Marketing/Design Lead at Minneapolis-based HabitAware. HabitAware is a mental health tech startup and TIME Magazine Best Invention. HabitAware’s flagship product, Keen, is a patented smart bracelet that uses patented gesture detection technology to bring awareness to – and control over – hair pulling, skin picking, and nail-biting, issues that negatively impact more than 20M Americans. Growing up with hair-pulling disorder (trichotillomania), Aneela is now an outspoken mental health advocate, raising awareness of these prevalent yet unknown conditions. Aneela is a first-generation South Asian American, an author, TEDx speaker, and a “40 Under 40” leader named by the Minneapolis St. Paul Business Journal. Aneela also serves on the advisory boards of BETA, LaunchMN, We Dance for Change, and The International Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Foundation (IOCDF) Twin Cities Chapter. As a native New Yorker, Aneela proudly calls Minneapolis home and spends her free time creating art and playing with her two young kids. Reviews
Episode 263: Becoming HabitAware

Author: Nancy A. Meyer, M.A.
Nancy A. Meyer, M.A., is a seasoned entrepreneurial leader, business and life mentor, podcaster, author, and certified mindfulness yoga and meditation integrator (she integrates those skill sets into everything). Nancy’s compassionate and collaborative approach reinforces resilience while maintaining accountable conversations supporting how you redefine your lead while redesigning your business. Nancy calls this “Dual Innovation Leadership.” Nancy founded WeMentor, inc. in 1992 to change the leadership in our country by providing emerging and existing business owners with mentoring in Dual Innovation Leadership. She has mentored thousands and is eager to work with you! Assert self-leadership and get started today! Clients say, “Nancy is a compelling, engaging, and ‘decipher the trees from the forest’ kind of mentor, speaker, and leader. A dedicated entrepreneurial leader and mentor who role models what she preaches. Her style and candor enrich the content she delivers and the results clients experience.” Nancy accepts people where they are while inspiring them to breakthrough into new dimensions: As an Entrepreneurial Leader (Innovator), As a Competent Business Owner (Practitioner) As a Mentor (Role Model) As a Spiritual Being and Self-Leadership Master! Start by subscribing to WeMentor Mondays with Nancy PODCAST. Join your peers and...
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