Episode 112: Break Procrastination and Try These
Proactive Approaches in Work Relationships

Kit Welchlin of Welchlin Communications is back to explore two main areas: five ways to break procrastination and proactive approaches that will help you develop intentional work relationships. We add a layer of insight from our initial podcast conversation where we talked about useable strategies to help you repair difficult relationships. Repetition and consistency in how you introduce a new communication pattern into longer term relationships is effective. Find out how. Click Here to Download

The struggling image of Kit is reflected in his books and video blogs. These are familiar struggles of leaders in effectiveness, dealing with change and transition, employee engagement, empowering ourselves and others, gender communication, team building, persuading and influencing others, negotiating, and conflict resolution. These characters of Kit appear in vignettes inside his two books, The Communication Kit, Volume 1 and The Communication Kit, Volume II. He discusses sensitive topics in a light-hearted fashion making the content easier to learn. There is room for you to laugh at yourself as you identify with a struggling image. You can hear his approach when you tune in to this podcast episode.

Where has Kit found his mentors and how have they affected his thinking? How does he hone what he learns from his mentors and share the concepts and skills with his clients? What is his ritual for learning?

How does he transition his learning into useable strategies? Before giving a one-hour presentation, do you prepare for eight hours? How many topics does he speak on? Find out how he analyzes his presentations.

Entrepreneurial skills in public speaking emerged for Kit in 4-H at the tender age of 9. Speech communication and business management degrees along with his tenacity in going after opportunities propelled Kit into a long career of success, great accomplishments, and a spirit of joy from a life well-lived. He is open in describing techniques that work for him. In turn, they can be of value to you.

Part of his job is to understand his clients’ concerns so when he speaks in front of an audience, attendees ask themselves, “Does Kit work here?”

In today’s episode, Kit uncovers three of 17 reasons why people procrastinate and gives you five ways to break procrastination. Four approaches in developing intentional work relationships is a game changer. Add to the information below as you listen.

Procrastination: Why Do I Procrastinate

  1. Perfectionists: do it right the first time or don’t do it. Kit will help you negotiate the 3 Q’s of service: quickness, quantity, and quality.
  2. Pain/Pleasure Principle – overgeneralization of negative 1st experiences. You recollect this negative experience before you need to do the task.
  3. Catastrophic Fantasy – by not doing something, you envision a catastrophic outcome.

Kit’s Five Ways to Break Procrastination

  1. Make a commitment and write a contract. Hand write it.
  2. Get honest with yourself about the cost.
  3. Flexible time management. Guilt free time. You have earned it. The best use of your time.
  4. Reward yourself daily. Don’t procrastinate the reward. Pick something that motivates you. Connect it to the activity that is connected to your business success.
  5. Five-minute rule. Catch the bad behavior. Incubation time. Step away and then come back to it. Hard schedule when you will finish the project on a specific day and time. Minimize the damage.

Proactive Approaches In Developing Intentional Work Relationships

How would you like to spend your time: 6 seconds of sprinkling magic pixy dust into your conversations which takes about 5 minutes if you have 50 conversations? Or, spend 9 hours and 55 minutes of your day addressing attention seeking, forceful, and demanding behaviors because you missed the following four areas when you communicated with someone about a work project?

Listen for Kit’s examples of how to acknowledge others for their work. Increase the fun factor in your communications today!

  • Get things done.
  • Get things done right.
  • Get along. We get along.
  • Get appreciation for the hard work and the effort we put forth.

Mentoring Tips

  1. After listening, create your past 25 accomplishment list of things you have done where you have been the hero.
  2. Implement Kit’s 5 Ways to Break Procrastination techniques during these next 60 days. Let me know where you are at on Day 28.  Click Here on DAY 28
  3. Check out Kit’s description of his books. Kit’s Books
  4. Purchase The Communication Kit, Volume 1 and The Communication Kit, Volume 2 through Amazon.   Click Here and Receive a 20% discount!  Kit is also a contributing author in the books, Amazing Workplace and the World’s Greatest Speakers.
  5. NEW WeMentor Entrepreneurial Leadership and Mentoring LABs are starting. Check them out. Click Here
  6. Subscribe to this podcast, Click Here

Break Procrastination and Try These Proactive Approaches in Work Relationships Episode 112  Click to Reach KIT

Podcast Sponsor

Mary Jo McGuire, Ramsey County Commissioner, Minnesota. Click Here for Mary Jo McGuire


Podcast Guest Mentor

Kit Wechlin. A born public speaker and trainer, Kit Welchlin began public speaking at the age of 9 in 4-H. By 16, he was organizing and facilitating presentations on leadership, citizenship, community service and motivation for the 4-H and Future Farmers of America.

Kit Welchlin purchased his first manufacturing company at age 21, and by 26 was CEO and Chairman of the Board of three manufacturing companies in three states. He’s been an instructor with the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, where he has been repeatedly nominated as an Outstanding Faculty member. He is a Professional Member of the National Speakers Association.

Kit has a B.S. Degree in Speech Communication, Business Administration and Political Science. He earned an M.A. Degree in Speech Communication and Business Administration.

• In 2014, Kit was inducted into the Minnesota Speakers Association Hall of Fame.
• He has delivered more than 3,000 speeches and seminars to more than 500,000 people over the past 26 years.

Episode 112: Break Procrastination and Try These
Proactive Approaches in Work Relationships

Nancy A. Meyer, M.A.
Author: Nancy A. Meyer, M.A.

Nancy A. Meyer, M.A., is a seasoned entrepreneurial leader, business and life mentor, podcaster, author, and certified mindfulness yoga and meditation integrator (she integrates those skill sets into everything). Nancy’s compassionate and collaborative approach reinforces resilience while maintaining accountable conversations supporting how you redefine your lead while redesigning your business. Nancy calls this “Dual Innovation Leadership.”   Nancy founded WeMentor, inc. in 1992 to change the leadership in our country by providing emerging and existing business owners with mentoring in Dual Innovation Leadership. She has mentored thousands and is eager to work with you! Assert self-leadership and get started today! Clients say, “Nancy is a compelling, engaging, and ‘decipher the trees from the forest’ kind of mentor, speaker, and leader. A dedicated entrepreneurial leader and mentor who role models what she preaches. Her style and candor enrich the content she delivers and the results clients experience.” Nancy accepts people where they are while inspiring them to breakthrough into new dimensions:  As an Entrepreneurial Leader (Innovator),  As a Competent Business Owner (Practitioner)  As a Mentor (Role Model)  As a Spiritual Being and Self-Leadership Master! Start by subscribing to WeMentor Mondays with Nancy PODCAST. Join your peers and...

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