Episode 19: Dairy Farm Upbringing Inspired an Entrepreneurial Work Ethic in This Attorney

Jennifer Gilk

Jennifer Gilk of Gilk Legacy Law, PLLC in Redwood Falls, Minnesota, took the leap of her life. She started her own private estate planning and property planning law practice in January, 2016. She left a 22-year law partnership.

Where did Jennifer develop a strong work ethic filled with daily routines, physical labor, imagination, teamwork, leadership, intellectual curiosity, and fond childhood memories? Growing up on a 300-acre dairy farm in Tyler, Minnesota, of course! At what age did she begin having significant responsibilities with life or death implications? How did that inform her life perspective?

Her life journey is an intriguing one. This first of two mentoring sessions underscores the importance in becoming an author of your own story. Jennifer reflects on her childhood upbringing with great detail, insightfulness, and with immense candor and charm.

Mentoring Tips: Uncover more of your true, authentic self. Begin with seeing yourself as the author and creator of your own legacy. Write down or tape the beginnings of your childhood story. You could start with one paragraph to include where you grew up, and another with who mentored the work ethic in your family of origin. Ask yourself some of the other questions Nancy asks Jennifer. Discover something new about your life story answering a question or two each day this week.

You can submit your life story beginnings to Nancy by filling out the contact form at wementor.com. To do this click on the ‘Connect With Us’ button and type in, or cut and paste, the beginnings of your childhood story. Nancy will give you feedback, and some next steps.

“If you don’t turn your life into a story, you just become a part of someone else’s story.” –Terry Pratchett, novelist (28 Apr 1948-2015)


Jennifer Gilk, Gilk Legacy Law, PLLC, Episode 19

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Episode 19: Dairy Farm Upbringing Inspired an Entrepreneurial Work Ethic in This Attorney

Nancy A. Meyer, M.A.
Author: Nancy A. Meyer, M.A.

Nancy A. Meyer, M.A., is a seasoned entrepreneurial leader, business and life mentor, podcaster, author, and certified mindfulness yoga and meditation integrator (she integrates those skill sets into everything). Nancy’s compassionate and collaborative approach reinforces resilience while maintaining accountable conversations supporting how you redefine your lead while redesigning your business. Nancy calls this “Dual Innovation Leadership.”   Nancy founded WeMentor, inc. in 1992 to change the leadership in our country by providing emerging and existing business owners with mentoring in Dual Innovation Leadership. She has mentored thousands and is eager to work with you! Assert self-leadership and get started today! Clients say, “Nancy is a compelling, engaging, and ‘decipher the trees from the forest’ kind of mentor, speaker, and leader. A dedicated entrepreneurial leader and mentor who role models what she preaches. Her style and candor enrich the content she delivers and the results clients experience.” Nancy accepts people where they are while inspiring them to breakthrough into new dimensions:  As an Entrepreneurial Leader (Innovator),  As a Competent Business Owner (Practitioner)  As a Mentor (Role Model)  As a Spiritual Being and Self-Leadership Master! Start by subscribing to WeMentor Mondays with Nancy PODCAST. Join your peers and...

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