Dr. Amy Bantham, the Harvard-educated founder of Move to Live More℠, describes programs, people, and policies as three legs of a stool in any successful plan. We packed a lot into this lively, free-flowing conversation about public health, community engagement, and building a wellness culture that intersects with programs, people, and policies. We share lots of ideas.
Dr. Bantham defines what a wellness culture is and asks thought-provoking questions for you to answer. She also shares frustration with inherent struggles embedded in advocacy work that we all can relate to.
Programs. One example we discuss is the recent $1.9T American Relief Plan.
- Are you viewing your company policies as narrowly as we are addressing infectious disease?
- When is it too late for a business owner to contact community leaders for help?
- What can we do as business owners now to build a wellness culture post-pandemic?
- How can we get more active in what we are doing?
- If your business was deemed nonessential, like the fitness and restaurant industries were, what was missing?
People. Dr. Bantham talks about her work with fitness centers and developing cross-sector relationships to get the right people at the decision-making table.
- Would we deem hospitals as nonessential?
- Who do we need at the table to influence change and build support in our respective industries and communities?
- Where do we start in getting a seat at the table for cross-sector collaborations?
Policies. Our school-aged children have been out of school for over 380 days, as an example of the coronavirus pandemic policy.
- How do we weigh the needs in the short term with a long-term perspective?
- What are the long-term effects on our children mentally, physically, academically, and economically down the road?
- A way Amy has gotten her kids and others moving is through Activity Hour with Dr. B. Can you do her daily physical exercise routine?
Programs, people, and policies need short-term, medium-term, and long-term planning. Dr. Bantham finishes our conversation with the sweet spot in planning, the long-term effects of underfunding our communities and healthcare, and a persuasion strategy taught at Harvard University you need to know.
A correction. The population of Golden Valley, MN, is 20,371, not 50,000 like I said. Demographics of Golden Valley include the Median age at 45.6, and the population breakdowns are 84% white, 7% black, 4% Asian, 3% Hispanic, 1% Biracial, 1% Other, with a median household annual income of $62,500.
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- Take this risk or do this adventurous task: Ask yourself these three questions.
- What is working in my life and work right now?
- What isn’t working in my life and work right now?
- What is my next best step?
- Apply Self-Compassion: After you have answered the three questions above, sit quietly. Focus on a slow breath in with a longer exhale. Continue this focus on your breath for 10 rounds. Ponder the third question for a few minutes and notice if your answer is the same or different. Decide upon the next best step and move into action.
- Welcome Appreciation: “I appreciate another insightful conversation with Amy. I appreciate understanding how programs, people, and policies are connected with every initiative we put forward. I appreciate learning the consequences we suffer in healthcare from short-term planning without a long-term perspective. I appreciate the ideas that generated new thinking.”
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Dr. Amy Bantham has 20 years of experience in consulting, health & fitness, and healthcare. Her mission is to help people live healthier, longer, more active lives. She is the CEO/Founder of Move to Live More℠, a research and consulting firm addressing physical inactivity, obesity, chronic disease, and social determinants of health through cross-sector collaboration and innovation. Move to Live More℠ services include strategic planning, qualitative and quantitative research, translating research into policy, coalition building, program design, implementation, and evaluation.
Amy holds a Doctor of Public Health from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, with concentrations in Health Communication and Obesity Epidemiology & Prevention. Her doctoral research focused on physician exercise prescriptions/referrals and patient exercise behavior change. She is a certified group exercise instructor, personal trainer, and health & wellness, coach. She also holds a Master of Science from Northeastern University, a Master in Public Policy from the Harvard Kennedy School, and a Bachelor of Arts from Yale University.
Episode 272: Dr. Amy Bantham’s Approach to Programs, People, and Policies

Author: Nancy A. Meyer, M.A.
Nancy A. Meyer, M.A., is a seasoned entrepreneurial leader, business and life mentor, podcaster, author, and certified mindfulness yoga and meditation integrator (she integrates those skill sets into everything). Nancy’s compassionate and collaborative approach reinforces resilience while maintaining accountable conversations supporting how you redefine your lead while redesigning your business. Nancy calls this “Dual Innovation Leadership.” Nancy founded WeMentor, inc. in 1992 to change the leadership in our country by providing emerging and existing business owners with mentoring in Dual Innovation Leadership. She has mentored thousands and is eager to work with you! Assert self-leadership and get started today! Clients say, “Nancy is a compelling, engaging, and ‘decipher the trees from the forest’ kind of mentor, speaker, and leader. A dedicated entrepreneurial leader and mentor who role models what she preaches. Her style and candor enrich the content she delivers and the results clients experience.” Nancy accepts people where they are while inspiring them to breakthrough into new dimensions: As an Entrepreneurial Leader (Innovator), As a Competent Business Owner (Practitioner) As a Mentor (Role Model) As a Spiritual Being and Self-Leadership Master! Start by subscribing to WeMentor Mondays with Nancy PODCAST. Join your peers and...
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