Episode 130: How are we all criminals?

Emily Baxter has found that “one in four people in the United States has a criminal record. Four in four have a criminal history.” Wait, what? “Four in four have a criminal history.” Have you ever taken something that wasn’t yours? Driven while intoxicated? Cheated to get ahead? Used illegal drugs? Urinated in public? Trespassing? Theft of services? Failure to obey bicycle regulations? Some other crime you got away with?

I rest my case. Those crimes are part of your criminal history. Behaviors that emerge from the unconscious mind as we become aware of the dark side of ourselves, the shadow. Download

What have you done as a citizen to rectify your criminal history? Are you perpetually punishing yourself for it? Is the criminal justice system perpetually punishing us through a cycle of incarceration, directly or indirectly? Are we becoming an imprisoned society foreclosing on our future? Find out by reading Emily’s well documented book chronicling the history of the swelling of the criminal code. Be inspired to think about humanity, differently.

Today’s episode is a call for innovative ideas we can apply to our criminal justice system; we need to implement more humane practices. We do not need to foreclose on our futures. First, we need information before we can start generating ideas to address humanity and shift this culture.

Innovative thinker and social awareness activist, Emily Baxter has captured stories and statistics outlined in her first book, We Are All Criminals, prompting her to start a nonprofit by the same name. Her concept startles you into examining inhumane practices embedded in our criminal justice system. I share one of my early career experiences with the social welfare system as a special education teacher in a residential treatment center.

“They say a picture is worth a thousand words, yet a single word can paint a thousand pictures. Criminal. A thousand pictures and none of them me.” – Delaine Snow

Consider these statistics Emily has gathered. “One-third of all United States young adults have been arrested for an offense other than a minor traffic violation by the time they reach the age of 23. An increase in arrests for drug-related offenses, zero-tolerance policies in schools, and a more aggressive and punitive justice system have resulted in countless youth and young adults cuffed, caged, shackled, and paraded in county courthouses across our country.

More than 2.7 million children in the United States currently have a parent in jail or prison. Most are younger than ten years old. A staggering one in nine African American kids has a parent in lock-up. For Hispanic children, it’s one in 28 and for white children, it’s one in 57.” We can stop a criminal justice system devouring our society. We can do better when we know better. It is time to do better! We are so much more than the shadow part of ourselves!
Find out how Emily’s early beginnings created a thread from her childhood play to her work as an adult. Who does she attribute her love of reading, writing, and gathering of people for a social cause to? Listen to learn, be inspired, generate ideas, and move to action! Why maintain systems that shame us into eternal darkness? 

Mentoring Tips

  • Make a list of the crimes you have committed and gotten away with. Write down what would have happened to you if you had been caught. How would your life have changed?
  • If you have been caught and prosecuted for a crime, did the process help you work through the shame you experienced or compound it? Did the punishment fit the crime?
    • If you have a substance use disorder, have you been criminalized for your disorder or awakened to get help through the criminal justice system? What would you have preferred?
  • If you could influence our criminal justice system, how would you change it? Submit your ideas by clicking here.
  • Buy Emily’s book We Are All Criminals
  • Join a Peer Mentoring Group! A new WeMentor E.L.M. LAB is starting in September. An irresistible offer awaits those who act. Fill out your name and email address. I will follow-up with you. Join a LAB Starting in September!
    • Here are some questions to ponder if a LAB is a right fit for you. Are you reaching your financial goals? Are you having difficulty with focus and productivity? Do you need new skills and strategies to grow your business? Do you want to participate more fully in this economy?
    • Are you snuffing out creativity and opportunities for innovation because of how you are leading? Is your business running you? Are you tired of your business? Is there a disconnect between you and those you employ? Are you recovering from a major setback and need more skills to recover and rise from the experience with greater clarity, resilience, and a new perspective? Do you want to increase your business acumen and bump up your emotional intelligence while you generate more income? Are you ready to have fun and make more money with how you are leading and mentoring others? Call me at 612-804-8920.

How are we all criminals?   Episode 130   Emily Baxter

Podcast Guest Mentor

Emily Baxter. Emily is the founder and executive director of We Are All Criminals. She has served as the director of advocacy and public policy at the Council on Crime and Justice in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and as an assistant public defender at the Regional Native Public Defense Corporation, where she represented indigent members of the Leech Lake and White Earth Bands of Ojibwe charged with crimes in state court. Emily is a former Fellow at the University of Minnesota Law School’s Robina Institute of Criminal Law and Criminal Justice. She began developing We Are All Criminals through a Bush Fellowship in 2012.

WeAreAllCriminals.org is a nonprofit, non-partisan organization that seeks to inspire empathy and ignite social change through personal stories of crime, privilege, justice, and injustice, disrupting the barriers that separate us. We envision a more just and equitable world, where each of us is able to transcend our past and reach our full potential. Your book, by the same title, is about who gets arrested and convicted and why.
The We Are All Criminals book opens your eyes to different areas of privilege and helps people see that it could simply be the kind of day an officer has or straight up racism that could ruin a person’s life. We ARE all criminals, and the people telling their stories in the book either didn’t get caught participating in the criminal activity they described, or they just got a slap on the wrist. Everyone should read this book, there is no way someone could read this and not have learned to have even the smallest bit of empathy for those who are accused or caught and incarcerated.

“One in Four People Has a Criminal Record; Four in Four Have Criminal History.”

Episode 130: How are we all criminals?

Nancy A. Meyer, M.A.
Author: Nancy A. Meyer, M.A.

Nancy A. Meyer, M.A., is a seasoned entrepreneurial leader, business and life mentor, podcaster, author, and certified mindfulness yoga and meditation integrator (she integrates those skill sets into everything). Nancy’s compassionate and collaborative approach reinforces resilience while maintaining accountable conversations supporting how you redefine your lead while redesigning your business. Nancy calls this “Dual Innovation Leadership.”   Nancy founded WeMentor, inc. in 1992 to change the leadership in our country by providing emerging and existing business owners with mentoring in Dual Innovation Leadership. She has mentored thousands and is eager to work with you! Assert self-leadership and get started today! Clients say, “Nancy is a compelling, engaging, and ‘decipher the trees from the forest’ kind of mentor, speaker, and leader. A dedicated entrepreneurial leader and mentor who role models what she preaches. Her style and candor enrich the content she delivers and the results clients experience.” Nancy accepts people where they are while inspiring them to breakthrough into new dimensions:  As an Entrepreneurial Leader (Innovator),  As a Competent Business Owner (Practitioner)  As a Mentor (Role Model)  As a Spiritual Being and Self-Leadership Master! Start by subscribing to WeMentor Mondays with Nancy PODCAST. Join your peers and...

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