Episode 200: How to Leave A Legacy You Love

“Every soul is like a brilliant diamond. It is a treasure so rare that it should be guarded around the clock. Leave a legacy you love. Shine light on everyone around you. Revel in laughter and in all things. Be true to yourself. When you come onto this dye of the veil, it is only your light that distinguishes you from another. Make the light as dazzling as you can! Kindness matters. Forgiveness matters. Truth matters.”  —Abraham Lincoln’s message to you as channeled through Lisa Najjar.

“The unbidden, uninvited, unsolicited project of recording and transcribing channeled messages from celebrities, historical figures, and higher Master Beings was encouraged by Walt Disney, from the other side,” says Lisa Najjar. You’ll find out where and when. We discuss six people in her book, Dying To Tell You. Lisa gives the inside skinny on all the dynamics during each channeled session of the following celebrities, historical figures, and one higher Master Being. DOWNLOAD

BUT, before we get into that, answer this: what if you learned that wherever you leave off in your soul work, you continue on the other side of the veil, after death? Would it make a difference in how you live your life now? This conversation is so eye opening. I found my heart expanding too.

Below are some other questions you will get answered while you listen.

Marilyn Monroe: What does she have to say about masks and having children grow up too fast?

 Abraham Lincoln: Is there more light pouring into our Universe than when he was alive (1809-1865)? Is everything we say and do recorded, forever? What is the 5th dimension?

Jayne Mansfield: How have men and women been duped? What do we most need to focus on while we are alive?

Davy Jones: Lisa met Davy while he was alive. He didn’t believe in an afterlife. What does he believe now that his soul is still alive?

Jesus and George Harrison: Why did they appear together? What are we made of?

Here are other questions you will get answered. Plus, a ton of inspiration to fill your life with:

  • What celebrity came to Lisa before she wrote her book? Where was she?
  • Who’s energy does Lisa jive with the most from the list above?
  • How can we individually and collectively change this world immediately?    
  • When the rubber meets the road are you doing what you need to do to evolve?
  • What can’t you die your way out of?

Reading Lisa’s book changed my perspective of this life and my perspective on the afterlife. I feel more at peace. I am able to be with those near death with less fear. I understand why I am compelled to expand the light of my soul. I also feel energized to keep clearing out what does not fit in my life as Lisa suggests and keep evolving while alive. Dying To Tell You is a must read. The messages handed down to us will help you create a legacy you love. Schedule a reading with her and get a signed copy of her book.

 “We are perfect and beautiful exactly as we are.” —Lisa Najjar

WeMentor Self-Leadership Activation Exercises

After listening, do the following three WeMentor Self-Leadership Exercises:

  1. Really, take this risk: Clear out what does not fit in your life. Schedule a Reading and get a free, signed copy of Dying To Tell You by Lisa Najjar. Or go to www.444books.com. READINGS: 30 minutes =$115.00;  45 minutes =$150.00; 75 minutes =$240.00. (When you book a reading, type in the description area: that you are a WeMentor Listener, include the full mailing address, and the spelling of the name to whom you want Lisa to endorse on your book.)
  2. Self-Compassion: Enjoy listening to this relaxing music entitled Archangel Ariel Relaxing Music. Observe your breath.
  3. 7-min. Gratitude Challenge: Sit quietly. Close your eyes. Feel your feet. Click on this mantra from Tina Turner. Bring to mind something you are unhappy about with yourself. It could be something you said to someone today or something unkind you did that lingers in your heart. Hold the image for a minute in your mind. Allow yourself this human moment and let it dissolve, forgive yourself for the mistake you made. When you are ready, fill your mind with loving kindness and send it to yourself and then expand it out to others. Say Amen out loud when you are done to acknowledge the divine moment.

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  • Get One-On-One Mentoring during your transition. It is much easier to change when you know what is happening in your inner world. Paul Turek of Turek Consulting LLC says, “Nancy is a well-connected leadership development icon in this market… she’s got an interesting perspective on identifying and addressing leadership opportunities within oneself that is timely in our diverse and mobile workforce these days.”
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Podcast Guest Mentor

Lisa Najjar. Disney once said: “Always remember that this whole thing was started with a dream and a mouse.” For Lisa Najjar, the dream was to help raise consciousness on the planet. And the mouse was Walt Disney himself.

Lisa’s popular book, Dying to Tell You is a collection of deep, soulful, inspiring channeled messages, shared from the heart of each one of her “guests”, in an effort to help us all here on Earth to live better, more meaningful, more fulfilling lives NOW, while still in our bodies.

Lisa is an International Medium, Psychic, Psychic Matchmaker, Author and Speaker working with celebrities, other humans, and world-renowned teachers. She’s a frequent guest on radio shows across the USA.

She started out as a court reporter (you know, the lady who sits in the courtroom using that funny machine to record and transcribe the proceedings). This court reporter is now reporting for a higher court—not the Supreme Court, but the Celestial Court. You could say, she is a Celestial Court reporter. This book wasn’t so much “written” as it was “transcribed.” She took dictation, while those in Spirit (celebrities, historical figures and higher Master Beings) shared their wisdom from the other side, from behind the veil of death.

Lisa is also the Intuitive Consultant and Executive Producer of the award-winning documentary What If? The Movie, and creator of What a Fool Believes, a spiritual/comedy television series. She offers events and private consultations world-wide.

As a gifted Medium, Lisa connects with your guardian angels, spirit guides, and departed loved ones, sharing precise, heartfelt messages for peace and well-being. As a psychic, Lisa can give you a roadmap to your vest future! Her ability to tune in brings clarity and insight in areas of love, career and soul path.

Episode 200: How to Leave A Legacy You Love

Nancy A. Meyer, M.A.
Author: Nancy A. Meyer, M.A.

Nancy A. Meyer, M.A., is a seasoned entrepreneurial leader, business and life mentor, podcaster, author, and certified mindfulness yoga and meditation integrator (she integrates those skill sets into everything). Nancy’s compassionate and collaborative approach reinforces resilience while maintaining accountable conversations supporting how you redefine your lead while redesigning your business. Nancy calls this “Dual Innovation Leadership.”   Nancy founded WeMentor, inc. in 1992 to change the leadership in our country by providing emerging and existing business owners with mentoring in Dual Innovation Leadership. She has mentored thousands and is eager to work with you! Assert self-leadership and get started today! Clients say, “Nancy is a compelling, engaging, and ‘decipher the trees from the forest’ kind of mentor, speaker, and leader. A dedicated entrepreneurial leader and mentor who role models what she preaches. Her style and candor enrich the content she delivers and the results clients experience.” Nancy accepts people where they are while inspiring them to breakthrough into new dimensions:  As an Entrepreneurial Leader (Innovator),  As a Competent Business Owner (Practitioner)  As a Mentor (Role Model)  As a Spiritual Being and Self-Leadership Master! Start by subscribing to WeMentor Mondays with Nancy PODCAST. Join your peers and...

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