Episode 194: Not having fun running your business, try this approach

Sharon Richards-Noel has been in business over 30 years. She made a game changing decision this year that changed her life and her experience with her business. The result, she is much happier and so are those around her. Find out how she changed West Indies Soul Food and is making more money as a result. DOWNLOAD

WeMentor Self-Leadership Activation Exercises

After listening, do the following WeMentor Self-Leadership Exercises:

  1. Gratitude: shift your focus when things aren’t going as planned. Turn on some music and dance. Find your happy feet and you will reach your happy place! 😊
  2. Take a risk: write down your vision 20 times each day on a sheet of paper for another six days.
  3. Self-Compassion: notice your eyes when you are mad. Now soften your eyes. When you find yourself getting angry, soften your gaze and let go of the ‘hard glare.’

Self-Leadership Mentoring Help

  • Get One-On-One Mentoring during your transition. It is much easier to change when you know what is happening in your inner world. Paul Turek of Turek Consulting LLC says, “Nancy is a well-connected leadership development icon in this market…she’s got an interesting perspective on identifying and addressing leadership opportunities within oneself that is timely in our diverse and mobile workforce these days.”
  • Subscribe to this podcast. Get more meaningful conversations and useable tips every week.

Not having fun running your business, try this approach   Episode 194  West Indies Soul Food   

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Podcast Guest Mentor

Sharon Richards-Noel. Sharon is the founder and head chef of her catering business, West Indies Soul Food. Sharon ​cooks with love by putting together mouthwatering flavors from her homeland of Trinidad and Tobago. Trinidad and Tobago is a dual Island Caribbean nation, off the northeast tip of Venezuela.

Jamaica and the teeny tiny Island of Grenada is where Sharon learned to respect, devour, and perfect Caribbean cuisine. Her Only Jamaican Jerk Sauce and Better Be Quiet BBQ Sauce have been perfected and used with elegance for dipping, basting, marinating and whatever else you like to season with sauce. The sauces contain ‘dat real Island delight. (The sauces are gluten-free, cholesterol-free, and non-GMO.)

Episode 194: Not having fun running your business, try this approach

Nancy A. Meyer, M.A.
Author: Nancy A. Meyer, M.A.

Nancy A. Meyer, M.A., is a seasoned entrepreneurial leader, business and life mentor, podcaster, author, and certified mindfulness yoga and meditation integrator (she integrates those skill sets into everything). Nancy’s compassionate and collaborative approach reinforces resilience while maintaining accountable conversations supporting how you redefine your lead while redesigning your business. Nancy calls this “Dual Innovation Leadership.”   Nancy founded WeMentor, inc. in 1992 to change the leadership in our country by providing emerging and existing business owners with mentoring in Dual Innovation Leadership. She has mentored thousands and is eager to work with you! Assert self-leadership and get started today! Clients say, “Nancy is a compelling, engaging, and ‘decipher the trees from the forest’ kind of mentor, speaker, and leader. A dedicated entrepreneurial leader and mentor who role models what she preaches. Her style and candor enrich the content she delivers and the results clients experience.” Nancy accepts people where they are while inspiring them to breakthrough into new dimensions:  As an Entrepreneurial Leader (Innovator),  As a Competent Business Owner (Practitioner)  As a Mentor (Role Model)  As a Spiritual Being and Self-Leadership Master! Start by subscribing to WeMentor Mondays with Nancy PODCAST. Join your peers and...

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