Episode 327: Priscilla Vang’s Journey from Refugee to U.S. Citizen to Multi-Venture Entrepreneur, Part I


Episode Notes

Priscilla Vang is part of the largest ethnic group in the country who fled from Laos and settled in Minnesota after the Vietnam war ended in 1975; 66,000 Hmong now live in Minnesota. This is Priscilla’s miraculous journey from being a refugee at 2 ½ years old to becoming a United States Citizen and multi-venture entrepreneur.

Thirteen years of corporate accounting and tax preparation and two degrees in financial accounting and tax accountancy prepared Priscilla to assert her American dream of business ownership. I met Priscilla in 2018 when she joined one of my WeMentor Entrepreneurial Leadership and Mentoring LABs.

At the time, Priscilla was two years into running three connected but different ventures she started in 2016. An accounting and tax practice, a payroll processing business, and a staffing firm that educates and assists small business owners in running profitable businesses and reaching their financial aspirations.

That is where she is today. To understand Priscilla and appreciate where the seeds of entrepreneurial leadership were planted, we start with her paternal grandmother in Laos. 

Priscilla’s Origin

Laos is located in the highlands, where a population of 300,000 to 400,000 Hmong lived in small villages. The population gap represents the discrepancy amongst researchers due to insufficient documentation. Babies in the highlands were born at home with midwives and home remedies. “Many of their birthdates were not recorded anywhere,” says Priscilla.

Hmong farmers harvested enough crops to be self-sufficient on the land they owned. Opium was the cash crop that sustained them and put their lives in danger. Priscilla speaks of her grandfather’s murder and how her paternal grandmother raised a half dozen children under 10 years old during the Vietnam war. In 1979, she safely crossed the Mekong River to a refugee camp in Thailand with her family.

Historical Perspective. The U.S. recruited the Hmong population to fight off communism in the 1960s, known as ‘the secret war’ in Laos. The Vietnam war ended in 1975 when Laos was overtaken by communism, and 150,000 people, including tiny Priscilla with her parents, aunts, uncles, and paternal grandmother, escaped to refugee camps in Thailand and other places.

 Priscilla’s maternal grandparents also fled with their family by crossing the Mekong River in boats. (The Mekong River is about 2,700 miles in length; the world’s 12th largest river and the third-longest river in China). Priscilla generally discusses the dangers Hmong refugees encountered and the role opium played in getting infants across the river safely.                       

Roughly half the population fled and resettled in the United States. Today, over 200,000 of this ethnic minority group have resettled; 90% live in the United States. Priscilla’s parents and extended family members arrived in Charlottesville, N.C., in August of 1979.  

Settling in the United States and Becoming the Family Interpreter 

Cassette tapes sent through snail mail provided communication between Hmong families in the United States and those still in Laos, Vietnam, and China at that time. Priscilla (at age 2 ½) and her parents first lived in Greensboro, North Carolina, and then moved to Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The best opportunities for her parents were found in 1987 when they moved to St. Paul, leasing farmland and selling vegetables at the Farmer’s Market in Minneapolis. Her well-regarded parents still live in St. Paul, Minnesota.

Priscilla is the 2nd eldest of her six siblings and explains how she led her family through the naturalization process in 1987. Like most child immigrants with non-English speaking parents, Priscilla, at age 9, became the family interpreter.

Imagine the pressure she must have felt making sure the landlord got paid, filling out the proper paperwork for them all to become United States Citizens, and spending summers harvesting fruits and vegetables with her siblings. Everyone was involved in providing for the family.

Roger Vue came into Priscilla’s life in her teenage years and married 25 years ago. They have one son. He and his wife are expecting their fourth child in July. Priscilla enjoys being an involved grandparent.

Priscilla learned how to take charge and become an interdependent woman recognizing the need to work together to achieve common goals. Her paternal grandmother and parents taught her how to take risks to protect and nurture her family and continue providing guidance for the next generation of American Hmong families. Priscilla’s paternal grandmother passed away in 2007.

I have boundless admiration for Priscilla and feel a deep affection for the unspoken hardships she braves every day. Every immigrant knows what I mean. Priscilla explains some of those hardships through her effervescence, positivity, and leadership insights. She views language barriers, generational and cultural issues, and all challenges in life as opportunities to understand, learn, and grow. Curiosity, prosperity thinking, and gratitude foster her resilience and enrich our conversation. Hear Priscilla’s journey from refugee to U.S. Citizen to multi-venture entrepreneur.


NEXT STEP: Challenge yourself and do the Conscious Attentive Leadership Mentoring (C.A.L.M.) Activities, below.

Conscious Attentive Leadership Mentoring

After listening, do these three C.A.L.M. Activities:

  1. Take this risk or do this adventurous task: Pick one area you want to better communicate with someone you employ. It could be taking the time to express your feelings and explain what you need and why it is vital for the other person to do something you ask them to do. Or it could be taking a moment to understand what provoked anger in you instead of being reactionary. Engage your imagination by getting curious and brainstorming ways you could handle the communication differently. Try looking at the situation from another person’s perspective.
  1. Apply Self-Compassion: Allow yourself to implement one of your ideas and see what happens without attaching to an outcome. Allow yourself to keep trying out ideas until you find an approach that works consistently. A method or approach you want to adopt based on what you learned and how the other responded. Give yourself a hug and the other person a high five each time you successfully work through a challenging situation constructively. 
  1. Welcome Appreciation: “I appreciate Priscilla Vang. I appreciate her adventurous spirit and enterprising mindset. I appreciate her ability to manifest new beginnings. I appreciate her joyful spirit, prosperity thinking, and the gratitude she brought into our conversation and every conversation we have. I appreciate her appetite to learn and expand her entrepreneurial leadership skillsets and admire her ability to keep taking calculated risks. I appreciate her commitment to helping small businesses and raising a motivated generation of Hmong people.” 

Your Turn. Start with, “I appreciate what I heard from today’s Guest Mentor, Priscilla Vang. I appreciate this week’s adventurous task because….”

 “Most of the problems in our lives and world are caused by relational dysfunction, a dysfunction in how we relate: as social groups, as individuals, to animals and the environment, and even to ourselves. Therefore, developing relational literacy—the understanding of and ability to practice healthy ways of relating—is essential for personal, social, and ecological transformation.” —Melanie Joy, psychologist, author, theorist, educator

When WeMentor… your life becomes more meaningful!!! Redefine how you lead and mentor while redesigning your business. Dual Innovation with Mentoring WORKS. 

Podcast Guest Mentor

Priscilla Vang

Priscilla is a multi-venture entrepreneur. Thirteen years of corporate accounting and tax preparation, plus two degrees in financial accounting and tax accountancy prepared Priscilla to launch three connected but different ventures in 2016. An accounting and tax practice, a payroll processing business, and a staffing firm that educates and assists small business owners in running profitable businesses.

  1. Rewards Staffing LLC is a firm that fulfills staffing requirements for manufacturers filling entry-level positions and provides farmers with field workers. Farming connects Priscilla to her heritage of farmers who immigrated to Minnesota from Laos. This business provided Priscilla with enough cash to buy her accounting and tax practice, Enlighten Accounting and Tax Solutions, LLC, and Payroll Vault, a payroll processing franchise in St. Paul.
  2. Enlighten Accounting and Tax Solutions, LLC is a firm where Priscilla provides fractional CFO services for small businesses as they grow profits to support a full-time CFO role. This means she offers bookkeeping, tax preparation, and tax consulting. She also prepares budgets and financial projections to aid in strategic growth decisions. Her focus is always on improving cash flow and net profits.
  3. Payroll Vault offers customizable payroll processing services and human resource expertise services that help small businesses hire new personnel and manage the human resource needs of those already employed.


  1. Priscilla will review your taxes (the last three years) for only $225.00.
  2. Bookkeeping Review to get your financials in order intact before tax season for only $375.00. Priscilla will review your financials so you can avoid tax extensions. Call 651-776-2222 or email enlightensolution10@gmail.com

Priscilla prospers in life by working with business leaders to understand how to grow their businesses, work together, and realize their aspirations. A true problem-solver that provides a unique set of practices to assist small business owners in achieving extraordinary results. A well-organized professional with strong analytical skills to provide fractional CFO services and business development management that cultivate financial prosperity, a healthy and productive work environment, and provides inspiration and healing for living a meaningful life.

Priscilla has been married to Roger Vue since 1997. They have one married son expecting their fourth child in July of 2022. Priscilla expresses her creative side by making crafts, enjoying nature, and spending quality time with her huge extended family.


Episode 327: Priscilla Vang’s Journey from Refugee to U.S. Citizen to Multi-Venture Entrepreneur, Part I

Nancy A. Meyer, M.A.
Author: Nancy A. Meyer, M.A.

Nancy A. Meyer, M.A., is a seasoned entrepreneurial leader, business and life mentor, podcaster, author, and certified mindfulness yoga and meditation integrator (she integrates those skill sets into everything). Nancy’s compassionate and collaborative approach reinforces resilience while maintaining accountable conversations supporting how you redefine your lead while redesigning your business. Nancy calls this “Dual Innovation Leadership.”   Nancy founded WeMentor, inc. in 1992 to change the leadership in our country by providing emerging and existing business owners with mentoring in Dual Innovation Leadership. She has mentored thousands and is eager to work with you! Assert self-leadership and get started today! Clients say, “Nancy is a compelling, engaging, and ‘decipher the trees from the forest’ kind of mentor, speaker, and leader. A dedicated entrepreneurial leader and mentor who role models what she preaches. Her style and candor enrich the content she delivers and the results clients experience.” Nancy accepts people where they are while inspiring them to breakthrough into new dimensions:  As an Entrepreneurial Leader (Innovator),  As a Competent Business Owner (Practitioner)  As a Mentor (Role Model)  As a Spiritual Being and Self-Leadership Master! Start by subscribing to WeMentor Mondays with Nancy PODCAST. Join your peers and...

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