Episode 159: The Best Way of Doing Business

The overwhelming research results are in. The best way of doing business is by having at least 20% to 30% of leadership positions filled by women across the board and in every industry. Here Jay Newton-Small expounds on the research she unearthed in over 200 interviews of women and some men, in BROAD INFLUENCE: How women are changing the way America works. Download

Women are great for the bottom-line, deliver higher dividends to stakeholders, offer diversity of thought and opinion that creates a healthy environment and prepares leaders for upcoming challenges. “Women are standing up and changing our culture,” states Jay. They don’t just stand up for themselves but bring everyone up with them. Given a chance, women make a difference by having a broad influence at all levels of leadership. Together, women and men, are more effective in leadership and can build on a better future.

Jay offers a hopeful perspective of how things have changed by comparing her generation to her Mother’s generation. Her book is hopeful. She is hopeful, worth listening to, and so impressive with how she is changing the world. She asks important questions for our future and lays out what we need to be aware of going forward.

You will find out the next epidemic affecting our ability to maintain a critical mass in leadership positions. You will get suggestions on what you can do to address the epidemic before it reaches the 2030 projection date.

A gap Jay noticed in the marketplace as she was filling out paperwork in a Memory Care facility for her Dad, helped her launch a new venture. She co-founded MemoryWell, a digital platform for storytelling of loved ones by professional writers, at the end of 2016. Jay has insights into Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease that she shares. I found this very helpful. I have loved ones suffering with Alzheimer’s disease. You will get some pearls of wisdom too.

As a nascent entrepreneur, she describes some of what she is learning as a business owner working with 650 writers and employing a staff of 4-fulltime people and 3-part-timers. Her fundraising efforts led her to Silicon Valley, known as the bro-culture (less than 7% of women entrepreneurs receive venture capital funding). She explains what she found there. We discuss how the overall culture has shifted since the #MeToo movement.

Jay reads the last paragraph in her book as we close out our conversation. “Perhaps my mother’s sense of her own destiny was grander than the world she lived in would allow. What if she’d been born 30 years later? Would she have been the first female U.N. secretary-general? I think she very well could have. Or, at the very least, she would have found female kindred spirits, allies amongst the diplomatic ranks, women who could help her smooth out the rough spots of a still oppressively sexist international climate. There is a regular gathering of women in diplomacy in Washington called Diplobabes. I sometimes imagine my mother at such a gathering: how would it have helped her? Women are not there yet by any means, but reaching broad influence means that we’re no longer struggling isolated and alone like my mother had. And I like to think she too would find, as I have, that in numbers comes safety–and power.” (p. 201) 

Mentoring Tips

After listening to our conversation:

  • If you haven’t yet, buy BROAD INFLUENCE and get a WeMentor Discount through Amazon.
  • Get your loved ones story told by a professional writer at MemoryWell.
  • 2030 Caregiver Epidemic Projection: 1.5M shortfall of caregivers. Two-thirds of women are in caregiving roles. This could set us back in reaching and maintaining critical mass in leadership if women are needing to quit leadership responsibilities to be caregivers. What could you do right now as a leader to prevent this shortfall of caregivers? One idea I have been thinking about since talking with Jay is to discuss this openly with clients, both men and women. Collect their ideas. Sort them out and see where we could go with the ideas.
    • What are you thinking? Post your ideas on social media. Email your ideas to me.
  • Train our boys to listen carefully to women’s voices as equally as we do men’s voices. Listen carefully to each person that speaks to you. One voice is not more important than the other. They each offer different information, thoughts, ideas, and opinions worth considering. Each of us matters.
    • Women, value your own voice. Notice what you experience when you hear yourself speak as a leader.
    • Men, focus in when a woman is speaking. Try to understand what she is saying and say it back to her. Validation of being heard is powerful.

Mentoring Help

The Best Way of Doing Business      Episode 159       MemoryWell

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  • 1st Podcast Conversation with Jay : How Women are Reshaping The World
  • Articles by Jay.
  • Good Girls Revolt (TV Series)
  • Kay Koplovitz is the Founder of USA Network and the visionary who created the business model for cable networks by introducing the concept of two revenue streams – licensing and advertising. When she founded USA Network under the banner of Madison Square Garden Sports in 1977, she was the first woman to head a television network (but not allowed to own stock). As a visionary of what sports television would become, Ms. Koplovitz launched major professional and collegiate sports on cable television by negotiating the first contracts for cable coverage for Major League Baseball, the National Basketball Association, the National Hockey League, the Masters from Augusta Georgia, the US Tennis Open and a collection of NCAA conference sporting events. he led USA Network to first place in cable prime time ratings and it remained there for 14 years. In 1992, she launched the Syfy Channel (formerly Sci-Fi Channel) which became a top ten rated cable network known for innovative drama and mini-series. In 1994, she launched USA Networks International and the Sci-Fi Channel into 60 countries worldwide.

Podcast Guest Mentor

About Jay Newton-Small

Jay is co-founder and chief executive officer at MemoryWell and a long-serving Washington correspondent for TIME Magazine and a journalist for Bloomberg News. She is author of Broad Influence: How Women Are Changing the Way America Works, more than half a dozen Time magazine cover stories, and numerous articles on Washington politics, foreign policy, and national trends, and as a Halcyon House fellow is writing a book about caregiving.

Jay was an undergraduate at Tufts University in Medford, Massachusetts, and earned a Master of Science degree in Journalism from Columbia University in New York City.

Episode 159: The Best Way of Doing Business

Nancy A. Meyer, M.A.
Author: Nancy A. Meyer, M.A.

Nancy A. Meyer, M.A., is a seasoned entrepreneurial leader, business and life mentor, podcaster, author, and certified mindfulness yoga and meditation integrator (she integrates those skill sets into everything). Nancy’s compassionate and collaborative approach reinforces resilience while maintaining accountable conversations supporting how you redefine your lead while redesigning your business. Nancy calls this “Dual Innovation Leadership.”   Nancy founded WeMentor, inc. in 1992 to change the leadership in our country by providing emerging and existing business owners with mentoring in Dual Innovation Leadership. She has mentored thousands and is eager to work with you! Assert self-leadership and get started today! Clients say, “Nancy is a compelling, engaging, and ‘decipher the trees from the forest’ kind of mentor, speaker, and leader. A dedicated entrepreneurial leader and mentor who role models what she preaches. Her style and candor enrich the content she delivers and the results clients experience.” Nancy accepts people where they are while inspiring them to breakthrough into new dimensions:  As an Entrepreneurial Leader (Innovator),  As a Competent Business Owner (Practitioner)  As a Mentor (Role Model)  As a Spiritual Being and Self-Leadership Master! Start by subscribing to WeMentor Mondays with Nancy PODCAST. Join your peers and...

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