Illness, rejection, sexual abuse, depression, self-harming, and the death of two loved ones. What is in your get-to-know-you first or second conversation with someone new? Just when you think Alison Cromie has been through all of what life can dish out, surprise. There is more. Yeah, she’s gay.
We discuss serious topics in a not-so-serious way, and guess what? It worked. You have to listen to believe it. Alison is a treasure trove of energy, information, and inspiration. Five mentors have been instrumental in inspiring Alison to find her authentic self, claim her voice, and even start Cromie Marketing Consultants. Those mentors are named publicly for the first time.
I am giving a heartfelt shout-out to one of those mentors, John Cromie. Alison’s husband, friend, and father of their two boys. Their marriage is ending, but their 22 years of friendship will endure; that is Alison’s hope. Of course, they will always be parents together. This kind of transition is difficult to navigate because one person is excited about discovering their authentic self while the other is grieving the loss of the person they thought they knew. Hugs to you all.
If Bill and Melinda Gates can untangle their 27-year relationship and wealth and still work together, I am hopeful Alison and John can emerge from this transition respecting each other and their relationship. They are working out the co-parenting quite well.
Gwyneth Paltrow popularized the term “conscious uncoupling,” coined by writer Katherine Woodward Thomas in 2009. The term has caught on. If you have “grown as far as you can in a relationship,” as Bill and Linda Gates tweeted last Monday in a joint public statement, the decision is clear. Resilient relationships allow each other to grow differently. These aren’t pain-free relationships. These are healthy, growing, respectful, and loving relationships that allow each other the freedom to evolve, whatever the outcome. It is what Alison and John are doing.
Three terms Alison came across in her identity research. New terms to me, and maybe to you, too.
- Bi-curious: where you feel attracted to someone of the same sex. Alison is not a fan of the term. You will find out why.
- Compulsory Heterosociety: society’s way of promoting heterosexuality as the only acceptable lifestyle. We are raised with no other options and taught that even thinking outside the societal norm is wrong.
- The third term was found in a forum with bisexual women called Am I a Lesbian? Masterdoc. This is a series of articles to help women understand themselves. This is the document that helped Alison realize she is a lesbian and not bisexual.
We review Alison’s three marketing tips for start-ups from our 1st conversation. The 3rd tip and alert you of a revengeful plot Alison helped solve with a client.
- Make a lot of mistakes. Fail quickly, learn, and move into the next thing. Look for progress, not perfection, especially with web design.
- SEO really only works if you build content. Be consistent. Start small. Be thoughtful. Have a long perspective in mind. Shift as our world shifts.
- Clean up your Google My Business profile. Then, keep it updated.
The dark side of a client’s tech person endeared Alison to the wellness community. Alison was hired to help a chiropractor figure out why her website couldn’t be found in a Google search. Sometimes, the website would even show up on other sites. Alison and the chiropractor figured out why.
Before leaving the chiropractor’s office, a hired tech person who didn’t like the chiropractor put this malicious coding on her website: Emotet Malware Detection. The malware steals sensitive and private information, according to the Black Cat Security website. Black Cat Security provides steps to dismantle malware. Google is aware of this type of malware and boots websites with this type of malware off the web to protect others from it. Alison replaced the coding, rebuilt, and optimized the site while her client created blogs around keywords to get indexed and ranked on Google. A wonderful ending to a frustrating and disheartening situation.
This reminded me of The NYTimes Daily podcast hosted by Michael Barbaro. (Only I say, Kai Ryssdal, my bad. Kai Ryssdal is the leading business host of Marketplace on National Public Radio). Michael Barbaro covers a two-part podcast true story about a scorned Canadian woman ruining people’s lives online. The legal system isn’t equipped to protect us from these kinds of scams. We are on our own to build back exploited reputations. See the Episode Resource page to hear the episodes. DOWNLOAD
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Episode Resources
Conscious Attentive Leadership Mentoring
After listening, do the following three C.A.L.M. Activities:
Take this risk or do this adventurous task: The next pleasant moment you have, savor it. Let it lengthen your feelings of happiness. Dwell on it like you would an awful moment. I am savoring my conversation with Alison as I write this. The delight and mutual sharing and caring in our conversation fed my soul. It was effortless, secure, and connecting conversation.
- Apply Self-Compassion: After you savor your moment, go into the tingly feelings of it and sit a little longer with feeling happy and content before you continue your day. Marvel at your fortune. The luckiness of having this precious moment. When you are ready, release the moment you savored and know all moments and experiences don’t last forever. Focus on the enjoyable, repeatable ones.
- Welcome Appreciation: “I appreciate Alison and her delightful spirit. I appreciate the effort it took to embrace her authentic gay entrepreneurial self. I appreciate Alison’s husband, John, and their two boys to create a better life for themselves. I appreciate how resilient Alison is and willing to take risks to improve her life. I appreciate learning how Alison helped a chiropractor out of a dark web situation.”
Your Turn. Start with I appreciate…
“Most of the problems in our lives and world are caused by relational dysfunction, a dysfunction in how we relate: as social groups, as individuals, to animals and the environment, and even to ourselves. Therefore, developing relational literacy—the understanding of and ability to practice healthy ways of relating—is essential for personal, social, and ecological transformation.” —Melanie Joy, psychologist, author, theorist, educator
Learn and practice healthy ways of relating as you reinvent (or evolve) yourself and redesign your business. When WeMentor… your life becomes more meaningful!!! Mentoring WORKS.
Alison Cromie founded Cromie Creative Consultants in 2019 after working with clients through a small agency for almost six years. She holds a bachelor of arts from Hamline University in St. Paul, MN, and has continued her education by taking courses and surrounding herself with mentors along the way.
Alison and her team love to strategize website redesigns by looking at marketing through a holistic lens before executing a cohesive marketing plan. What patterns of success are emerging in your given industry? Her team partners with wellness practitioners to get found in searches, fill their schedules, and deliberately grow their practices.
Ads. Social Media. Email Marketing. Content. SEO. Web Design. Not sure where to start? Get a free audit!
Episode 276: The Transformation of Alison Cromie, Part 2 of 3

Author: Nancy A. Meyer, M.A.
Nancy A. Meyer, M.A., is a seasoned entrepreneurial leader, business and life mentor, podcaster, author, and certified mindfulness yoga and meditation integrator (she integrates those skill sets into everything). Nancy’s compassionate and collaborative approach reinforces resilience while maintaining accountable conversations supporting how you redefine your lead while redesigning your business. Nancy calls this “Dual Innovation Leadership.” Nancy founded WeMentor, inc. in 1992 to change the leadership in our country by providing emerging and existing business owners with mentoring in Dual Innovation Leadership. She has mentored thousands and is eager to work with you! Assert self-leadership and get started today! Clients say, “Nancy is a compelling, engaging, and ‘decipher the trees from the forest’ kind of mentor, speaker, and leader. A dedicated entrepreneurial leader and mentor who role models what she preaches. Her style and candor enrich the content she delivers and the results clients experience.” Nancy accepts people where they are while inspiring them to breakthrough into new dimensions: As an Entrepreneurial Leader (Innovator), As a Competent Business Owner (Practitioner) As a Mentor (Role Model) As a Spiritual Being and Self-Leadership Master! Start by subscribing to WeMentor Mondays with Nancy PODCAST. Join your peers and...
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