In this one-stop guide, Melanie Joy reveals the common psychological dynamics that underlie all kinds of relationships—with a romantic partner, friends, family members, colleagues—in short, with anyone in any situation.
Relationships are like bodies: they get sick when their immune system is weaker than the germs that stress them. Joy explains how to strengthen your relational immune system to resist both interpersonal stressors and potentially devastating societal stressors, such as racism and sexism. Resilient relationships—which reflect integrity and honor dignity—not only are a source of joy and fulfillment for those who are in them but also support the thriving of the organizations and communities of which we all are a part.
Praise for Getting Relationships Right
“Recommended reading for both individuals and therapists!”
— Harville Hendrix, PhD, and Helen LaKelly Hunt, PhD, authors of Getting the Love You Want
“Joy offers a wise, practical, and well-researched template for creating healthy relationships of any kind. While reading it I kept thinking, ‘This is like an encyclopedia of relationship wisdom.’ I recommend this book to all those wishing to expand their social- emotional intelligence!”
— Susan Campbell, PhD, author of Getting Real, Truth in Dating, and Five-Minute Relationship Repair
“Melanie Joy…nails it about what it takes to make relationships great. The book is well written with huge practical value. Getting Relationships Right is a must read!”
— Linda Bloom, co-author of 101 Things I Wish I Knew When I Got Married: Simple Lessons to Make Love Last
“In this brilliant treasure of a book, Melanie Joy expertly and elegantly explains everything you'll ever need to know about how to successfully navigate any kind of relationship."
— Kathy Freston, New York Times bestselling author of Quantum Wellness, The Lean, and The One
“Read this book if you want to have healthy, mature relationships. Dr. Joy provides the tools, insight and research to get the job done."
— Dr. Jenn Mann, author of The Relationship Fix: Dr. Jenn's 6-Step Guide to Improving Communication, Connection, and Intimacy and Host of VH1 Couples Therapy with Dr. Jenn
The bestselling and award-winning Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows is now published or in press in sixteen languages. The 10th anniversary edition will be released In 2020, with a new foreword by Yuval Harari.
In this groundbreaking book, Melanie Joy explores carnism, the invisible belief system that shapes our perceptions of the meat, eggs, and dairy we eat, so that we love some animals and eat others without knowing why. Carnism is sustained by complex psychological and social mechanisms that cause us to unknowingly act against our core values, our own interests, and the interests of others. Understanding carnism can therefore help us make choices that reflect what we authentically think and feel, rather than what we’ve been taught to think and feel—and to help contribute to a more compassionate and sustainable world.
Praise for Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows
“An absorbing examination of why humans feel affection and compassion for certain animals but are callous to the suffering of others."
— Publishers Weekly
“One of the most thought-provoking books in decades."
— Heather Mills
“Melanie Joy instills empathy and non-violence. It is no coincidence that she received...following Nelson Mandela and the Dalai Lama, the famous Ahimsa Prize.”
— Matthieu Ricard and Martin Gibert
Winner of the 2017 Gold Nautilus Award for best book in Relationships and Communication, Beyond Beliefs is a thoughtful and practical guide for the rapidly growing population of people in “veg/nonveg” relationships.
Vegans, vegetarians, and meat eaters can feel like they're living in different worlds. Many vegans and vegetarians struggle to feel understood and respected in a meat-eating culture, where some of their most pressing concerns and cherished beliefs are invisible, and where they are often met with defensiveness when they try to talk about the issue. They can become frustrated and struggle to feel connected with meat eaters. And meat eaters can feel disconnected from vegans and vegetarians whose beliefs they don't fully understand and whose frustration may spill over into their interactions. The good news is that relationship and communication breakdown among vegans, vegetarians, and meat eaters is not inevitable, and it is reversible. With the right tools, healthy connections can be cultivated, repaired, and even strengthened.
Praise for Beyond Beliefs
“Beyond Beliefs will show you how to significantly reduce conflict and increase connection in all your relationships—with your partner, family, friends, colleagues, and even acquaintances. I can’t think of a single vegan, vegetarian, or meat eater who wouldn’t benefit tremendously from this book!”
— Michael Greger, MD, New York Times bestselling author of How Not to Die
“Melanie Joy does a brilliant job of showing us how to negotiate “veg/non veg” relationships and ultimately make them stronger.”
— Dan Buettner, National Geographic Fellow and author of The Blue Zones
“Dr. Melanie Joy is one of the most profound thinkers of our age. Read this book. Your life will never be the same. It will be much better.”
— Jane Velez-Mitchell, journalist and founder and host of JaneUnchained
“I love this book. As a vegan married to a non-vegan, I found Melanie Joy’s advice on how to maintain a loving relationship regardless of people’s differences to be fantastic. I recommend this book to anyone seeking deeper, more connected relationships.”
— Alexandra Paul, actress and health coach
“This is such an important book. A huge part of being a vegan needs to be communicating effectively and respectfully.”
— Moby, musician, author, and activist
In Powerarchy, Melanie Joy explores the psychology that underlies all forms of oppression and abuse and the belief system that gives rise to this psychology—which she calls powerarchy.
Joy had long been curious as to why people who were opposed to one or more forms of oppression—such as racism, sexism, speciesism, and so forth—often stayed mired in many others. She also wondered why people who were working toward social justice sometimes engaged in interpersonal dynamics that were unjust. Or why people who valued freedom and democracy might nevertheless vote and act against these values. Where was the disconnect? In this thought-provoking analysis, Joy explains how we’ve all been deeply conditioned by the invisible system of powerarchy to believe in a hierarchy of moral worth—to view some individuals and groups as either more or less worthy of moral consideration—and to treat them accordingly.
Praise for Powerarchy
“Dr. Melanie Joy is one of the most important theorists of how we rationalize cruelty. Here, she shows the way oppressive ideologies build upon one another by desensitizing us to the worth of other thinking, feeling beings. And more optimistically, she shows how we can rediscover sensitivity and help others rediscover it as well.”
— Ezra Klein, Editor-at-Large, Vox, and host of The Ezra Klein Show
“Powerarchy is a thought-provoking book that sheds light on the way we think about oppression and social justice.”
— Marianne Williamson, speaker, activist, and author of four #1 New York Times bestselling books
“Powerarchy has the potential to revolutionize how we think about oppression and to empower our movements for social justice, animal rights, and environmental sustainability.”
— Moby, musician, author, and activist