What have thousands of emerging to experienced leaders said consistently, since 1992, about WeMentor LABs and working with Nancy Meyer?

“I find Nancy to be refreshingly organized and committed to mentoring me in reaching my goals, always! She knows how to work through conflict constructively and help me stay present and aware of my behavior. I can count on her as I take risks to become a more effective leader and competent business owner. We have had a meaningful journey together. I use the skills I have learned every day.”

“Belonging, Encouragement, Support, Feedback, Clarity, Accountability: components of an awesome LAB experience.”

“Fortitude to do the mundane. A richer, deeper meaning for my life. Focused. I am confident about how to move forward to achieve current and long-term goals. I have more tools to lead and mentor others.”

“Acceptance of self and others in a fun and energizing environment. I learned how to build in experimentation into my work culture and explored and experimented with a wide range of skills to lead differently, more empowering rather than exerting control over others. I am a better leader and mentor for this experience.”

“Competency Focused, Process Oriented, Goal Driven, Loving and Accepting Culture of Exploration.”

“Flexible structure and curriculum supports my revolutionary process. I am becoming more of who I am meant to be as a leader, innovator, competent practitioner, mentor, and human being. I am no longer feeling like a fraud, not knowing what I am doing. I trust the answers within myself.”

“Nancy is a dedicated, skilled, knowledgeable, and talented professional. She establishes positive relationships with her clients; builds rapport and trust; and provides a depth of understanding of her clients’ businesses that helps the clients clarify their visions, set business structures, and run profitable businesses. She has a passion for transformation that creates profound change in how I lead. She will be a great asset to you, your staff, and your business.”

When WeMentor, You Design… a better life and an interdependent and profitable future:

  • As an Entrepreneurial Leader (Innovator),
  • As a Competent Business Owner (Practitioner),
  • As a Mentor (Role Model), and
  • As a Spiritual Being and Master of Self!

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